Jumat, 11 November 2011

FAQ about SAT

> What types of information are included on the score reports I receive?
The SAT score report includes detailed information about a student’s performance, comparing it with that of other test-takers. Each report provides a breakdown of the student’s scores and information about what those scores mean. Students also have access to their scored essays as part of the online score report, along with a score-reporting history. Their information from the SAT Questionnaire is also displayed. Counselors can use these reports to guide students as they make decisions about taking high school courses, applying to college, and choosing a major.
Visit www.collegeboard.com/prof/counselors for a detailed explanation of the score report.

> What’s a SAT good score now?
SAT scores help students measure their own college readiness. Students should use their scores to help them find a good match with colleges, which have differing levels of competitiveness and different definitions of what a
“good” score is. We recommend that students look at each of their scores separately, as this is a better measure of their readiness/skill level in each area. That said, the writing score is similar in range to the critical reading and math scores. If a student thought a “good” score was 600 x 2 for two sections, then a comparable score would now be 600 x 3.

> What is an average writing score?
Until more students have taken the new SAT, we won’t have a true average, but it should be in the neighborhood of the national averages for critical reading (508 for 2004) and math (514 for 2004). National averages are announced in August each year.

> How do I determine whether my writing scores are good or not without percentiles? How can they figure this out, or even guess at it?
We expect percentiles for writing to be in the same general range as the percentiles for math and critical reading. Therefore, if a student’s writing score is similar to one of his or her other scores, the percentile will likely be similar as well.

> How do I get copies of my essays?
Out of respect for student privacy, the College Board doesn’t send student essays to high schools, but we encourage students to share their essays with the counselors and teachers to help them understand how to improve their writing skills and how they might be better prepared if they decide to take the SAT again.

> Other than providing them with a number, how are SAT scores useful to students?
SAT scores and percentiles give students an idea of how their test performance compares with others’. Although not as important as high school grades, SAT scores are an important factor in many colleges’ admission decisions.

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